In Japan today, not only members of the Diet, but also high-ranking government officials and key personnel in many companies must be Chinese or Koreans Mason to hold such key positions.


In fact, I have insight that at this point in time (2023 AD), although Japanese Diet members may have Japanese citizenship and may appear to be Japanese, there is not a single real Japanese person.

If there are any real Japanese, they will be few and far between.

Not only me, but many real Japanese who have noticed this deception have announced it on their websites, blogs, and SNS.



Naturally, I also surmise that the current Prime Minister of Japan  too, Fumio Kishida, is also not Japanese.


They call us real Japanese "Native Japanese = In Japanese language: Gen-Nihon-Jin".


And they call themselves "New Japanese = In Japanese language: Nippon-Jin".



       Thomas Blake Glover (1838-1911)

  Thomas Albert Glover (1871-1945)

The year of his supposed death may have been falsified.


Thomas Blake Glover's British-chinese or Korean son

Tomisaburo Glover = Tomisaburo Kuraba

Tomisaburo Kuraba (1871-1945)       Fumio Kishida (1957-)  

                    This is the current Prime Minister of Japan in 2023.

The photo on the left shows Fumio Kishida as a high school student.

All of them, including Fumio Kishida, the current fake prime minister of Japan, pictured at right, are Unification Church stalwarts.


Incidentally, Fumio Kishida's younger brother, Takeo Kishida, runs a company that supports students from Southeast Asia and the Middle East to study and work in Japan.

The name of the company is "Feel Japan with K".




The 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati


The Li Bloodline


Li= Lee =(Li)=木(Ki)+子(shi)= 岸(Kishi)



This video shows a party hosted by the Unification Church in 1974.

The Japanese Minister of Finance at the time, Takeo Fukuda, says at around the 18-second mark, "There is the great leader in Asia.

That is Sun Myung Moon (founder of the Unification Church)."

Two years after this video, Takeo Fukuda was Prime Minister of Japan for two years (1976-1978).



He is another politician and fake Japanese who is disguised as a leftist party in Japan. His name is Yukio Hatoyama, grandson of Ichiro Hatoyama. Like his grandfather, he was prime minister of Japan from 2009 to 2010.


He is making the Eye of Providence by passing his fingers through the triangle formed by his friend's hands.

In short, he too is a born Mason.


In short, our (your country's) political system is a play in which these Masons pretend that the right (conservatives) and the left (reformers) are arguing as if they are arguing passionately, and the actors are just playing the role as directed by the scriptwriter, their boss of Satanist and Mason.





There were many Koreans who were smuggled into Japan after the division of the former Korean state into North and South Korea, the Jeju Island Incident, and the subsequent flight to Japan.


Even before the above events, there were Koreans and Chinese living in Japan who came to Japan and pretended to be Japanese.

And after the above events, there are their descendants who have acquired Japanese citizenship but their actual identities remain as Koreans, living in Japan pretending to be Japanese. And there are also their descendants who are still living in Japan as Koreans or Chinese.


These incidents, manipulations, and brainwashing were carried out by the Li family and their henchmen, led by Masons, to divide the Korean nation.


They brainwashed their compatriots in the same homeland to gain and maintain power, saying that "Japanese people are devils!" And those who have been brainwashed by them from birth until now are still continuing their manipulation activities in Japan.


In other words, they divided the country and made it hostile to each other, North Korea vs. South Korea.

In the same way, it was planned to "Divide and Rule" the country and make it hostile to each other, as in the case of North and South Korea vs. Japan.

And this "divide and rule" is still being carried out today.





The Masons and the Li family, as the Chinese government, are still engaged in the ongoing genocide of the Uyghurs.








And from around 2000 to the present, it has become increasingly difficult for many Japanese to become full-time employees.

(especially Japanese men and women over 40 years old).


Until the 1990s, many mothers in Japan devoted themselves to being homemakers at home while raising their children. When mothers did work, it was only as part-time workers.

However, there were also families where both couples with children worked regular employees.

Other men and women deserved to work as regular employees.



Starting around 2000 A.D., the Masons and their minions expanded the scope of taxes, increased taxes, and sold the postal savings system, which was publicly operated by the Japanese government and conveniently used by the Japanese, to the United States (Masons)turning it into a private Masonic bank.


Next, they began recommending us to work as temporary workers.

This "temporary workers" job (position) involves joining a company that merely assembles people, then signing temporary contracts with various companies where they actually work, and commuting to those companies to do the work. The temp agency takes a large portion of the salary.

Also, basically, temporary workers can be laid off at any time.


In the early years, temporary workers were paid more than the salaries of permanent employees. In recent years, however, they are paid only less than regular employees. (In other words, Japanese were systematically induced to become temporary workers.)


And it has become clear in recent years that most of these temp agencies are run by Korean managers (or Koreans who possess Japanese citizenship).


Thus, in recent years, Koreans and Chinese impersonating Japanese have been spurred to become bosses of the Japanese.


In other words, they have further strengthened their modus operandi of treating us, the real Japanese, as their Masonic slaves.




And they Masons drove women out of the home to obliterate the education of motherhood in the home.

It was a trick whereby the schools did all the educating (brainwashing) by putting women to work in corporations under the guise of gender equality.


This was exposed by filmmaker Aaron Russo.

The reason being that Nicholas Rockefeller had told Aaron Russo about the inner workings of various Masons and their plans for the future in an attempt to recruit Aaron Russo to their Masonic team.

An interesting video of Aaron Russo revealing this content is still available for viewing today.


Not only that, Nicholas Rockefeller had told Aaron Russo in advance that the explosion of the WTC in the US on September 11, 2001, and the war that followed, was also a farce of their own making.


By this self-made play, they instilled in earthlings the fear and lie that "Terrorists will attack you! haha"







Why do they set up and maintain such a social structure of lies and deceit? And at the same time, divide people and control us?

What is the purpose?


That is, of course, because they Satanists, Zionists, and Masons believe that



"We are royalty.

  Royalty needs slaves."



If we, the real nation, were running the country and the company, we would not be in the situation we are in now.


I would guess that many countries are in a similar situation.

You would do well to examine the truth about your country.


Or, if the facts are so clear that there is no need to investigate, then together we will publish the truth, tell many people, and fairly punish these Satanists/Masons.


We will put an end to the history of abuse at this planet Earth.




This is a South Korean TV show.


The man speaks like this. (with glasses and a man in a grey shirt)

" When I do something bad, I say "I am Japanese". Without fail ! "

Hearing this, other Koreans laugh.


Next, two men speaks like this.

" If I step on someone else's foot, then I say Sumimasen." 

Sumimasen in Japanese language I'm sorry in English language. )  

Hearing this, other Koreans are laughing uproariously again.


Finally, Hosts, two Koreans, both says "This is patriotism for Korea." 


The shirts that the two hosts are wearing are red + blue+white)

= the color scheme of the North and South Korean flags and Mason's color scheme


The first name of this video channel was GACHINPO JAPAN.

I alerted one of the forums. 'There is a channel that is making videos impersonating Japanese people.' 

Few days after, They immediately changed the name of the channel.


First name is " GACHINPO JAPAN "

GACHI - Reality in Japanese (this word is slang.)

CHINPO - Penis in Japanese (this word is slang.)



Now name is " GACHINO JAPAN "

GACHI - Reality in Japanese (this word is slang.)

NO - 'of' in English



This is one of several videos, but as you can see from the video above, they are South Koreans pretending to be Japanese and speaking Japanese.

( However, I believe there is also a mixture of footage of real Japanese people from real street interviews. )


And impersonated Japanese living in Japan, like them, are living in Japan without working, taking advantage of the welfare laws that their fellow politicians have amended to change Japanese law.


And today like this, they continue to use the internet (blogs, SNS, YouTube, forums, etc.) to post opinions in Japanese and English, pretending to be Japanese, that are confusing to Japanese and world people.


These are also presumed to be affiliated with the members of Unification Church = Masons.



And this video channel includes footage of a Halloween event in Japan (Shibuya, Tokyo).


It is only recently that Halloween events have begun to take place in the country of Japan. (Roughly since 2000)

It is planned and executed to establish Halloween events in Japan using Mason minions impersonating Japanese people (individuals and corporations).

In reality, most we real Japanese are not interested in Halloween, which has its origins in Satanism rituals.




Their change of channel name and channel address seems to have had an effect: from the end of 2022, "GACHINPO JAPAN" was no longer appear in search results on DuckDuckGo.






I found more videos of Koreans telling lies about Japan.

He seems to have started his video channel just recently.

He probably has not mastered Japanese and would only be able to interview English speakers when he comes to Japan.


You can understand how systematically and massively the Koreans are harassing the Japanese.




We Japanese don't have the food culture of eating live octopus that is introduced in this video.

Please search for "korean eat live octopus", "韓国 たこ 踊り食い".

This is the food culture of Koreans.



The comments on this video of a Korean woman pretending to be Japanese show how many Koreans are pretending to be Japanese.


Notice her unusually well-formed face after plastic surgery.

And she actually uses the Korean word at the end of the title of this video.

산낙지 먹방 = I eat live octopus.



Please ask the following questions to their video channel, which claims to be "I am Japanese".


1. Please show us official proof that you are Japanese. 

2. Are you a member of Unification Church?

   (Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, Moonies,

    la secte Moon )

   Or are you a member of an affiliated organization?


They will probably remove that question. And when those questions increase and they decide they can no longer continue to deceive, they will remove the video channel immediately.




There are many other scammer who impersonate Japanese nationals.

Since I can't list all of them on this page, I will only introduce one of the videos of each scammer.

What Japanese think of South Korea?





North Korea, South Korea, and China are countries that have been almost completely taken over by Masons.


They look a little like the Japanese.

(but in reality, there is a big difference both in appearance and in substance, once you get the knowledge)


They have been instructed by Mason on how to impersonate Japanese.


Of course, not only that, but they are also being instructed and executing tricks to continue weakening the Japanese people based on this successful impersonation of the Japanese people.


In other words, the Masons have been using the Koreans and Chinese as their agents to control the Japanese nation.



The premise is that the Masons brainwash Koreans and chinese with false history and educational content that the Japanese are evil.


Next, they infiltrate Japan and spend several generations learning about Japanese culture and characteristics of the Japanese people.

and have them impersonate Japanese people.


And they have been supported by the Masons to have money, violence, and privileged power to take over key positions in Japan.


(They are still manipulating the laws of Japan to suit their own purposes, including the nonenactment of the Espionage Prevention Law.)


The Satanists, Fake Jews, Zionists, and Masons are predominantly white in their managerial ranks.


As it is, if whites rule the Japanese nation, they are likely to be repulsed by the Japanese. 


Therefore, they use Koreans and Chinese (Including Korean and Chinese nationals holding Japanese citizenship.who are difficult to distinguish from Japanese, to disguise themselves as Japanese and use them as their own servants.




Korean Professor Park Yu ha's opinion on Comfort Women history


The Truth Behind The Korean Comfort Women - Michael Yon Conference


Taking the Fight for Japan’s History Online: The Ramseyer Controversy and Social Media


[UN Human Rights Council] Korean economic historian exposes the facts of the Korean government's "conscription issue."


This means they are (The group of some Chinese and Korean bandits led by Mason and the Li family) blaming the Japanese for the crimes they committed.




He is a Chinese or Korean pretending to be Japanese too.

(But he probably has Japanese citizenship.)


He describes his career as having graduated from Sophia University (Universitas Sedis Sapientiae), founded by the Jesuits in Japan, before joining Merrill Lynch and then Invesco.


And now he and his associates are trying to impress the Japanese public with him as a journalist.

And he describes himself as a believer in the Happy Science.

In July 2022, he ran unsuccessfully for election to the Japanese Diet as a member of The Happiness Realization Party


Are religious institutions in your country also tax-exempt?

Religious corporations use the name "religious organization" as a cover to act as an execution arm of the Masons.


And she, who appears in this video with this fake Japanese man, introduces herself as a Russian from Rostov na Donu.


She appears to have arrived in Japan in 2018.

She has since been teaching Russian in Japan.

Not only that, she expresses her social opinions on YOUTUBE and on blog, as shown in the video above. She has appeared several times on Japanese TV programmes and radio.    


They are working with Unification Church members.


They are speaking in Japanese in above video.

And this is one of the topics in the video.


Japan lost the Northern Territories to Russia in 1945 in defiance of international law, soon after World War II was over.

Many Japanese were massacred and taken to Russia as prisoners of war.


(The topic they have been talking about since about 30 minutes.)

In response to Japanese people who known and protest against the facts of that history, they say the following.


He said " How long ago did that happen and how long do you still talk about it? "

And, She said " They are narrow-minded people." 


I questioned her about her statements in this video on her Japanese blog (September 18, 2022).


1. Are you really saying that Japanese people are narrow-minded? 

2. On what information do you base your statement that the Japanese nation will collapse in 2024?


I commented on the above two questions on her blog around September 18 to 21 of September 2022.

On the same day I made the comment, my comment was immediately deleted.


I then wrote a post on my blog on September 22, 2022 that included a pursuit of her statement.


And soon after, on October 7, 2022, it was announced that fake Ukrainian Zelensky had signed a decree recognizing the Northern Territories as Japanese territory.


Then my blog was deleted by the blog management company (Ameba blog - CyberAgent, inc.) on April 18, 2023.


Because the representative director of this blog management companyis also an impersonator Japanese business owner. And, of course, because most of the employees are also impersonated Japanese.


(I had been using this blog for a long time, knowing this fact. I knew in advance that the blog itself would be deleted at some point, as I had often been suspended after publishing articles).


Thus, someone who stands in opposition to her pretending to be Russian and speaking as if she were an enemy, i.e., the fake president of Ukraine who is fighting with the neocons of NATO and USA and appearing to be anti-Russian, issued a statement that superficially appeared to defend the Japanese nation.  


Because They are the same Satanists.

That they are both Satanists and Masons. You can see that they are working together in an unseen way.


In other words, the current war, like most wars and civil wars up to now, is a sham. Thus, they will use anything to spark a confrontation.


I am not just focusing on the above statements. Their statements, while appearing to reveal the modus operandi of the DS (Deep state), are actually the modus operandi of their Satanists, Zionists, and Masons.


In fact, he also defends Shinzo Abe and she also justifies Russia and fake Putin, pretending to criticise US neocons.


In fact, it is the same Zionist team, and they never reveal the disguises they use to make it look like the right and left are fighting each other, and their modus operandi of impersonating nationals.


This was long before I asked the above question.

I asked her about the money scam system.


She then fudged the subject by saying something like

"Money is a form of appreciation for the labor I have done."


And she, who currently lives in Japan, predicts that Japan will collapse in 2024. There is other circumstantial evidence, but I won't go into it here.



Incidentally, these Satanists/Zionists/Masons don't consider themselves Chinese, Korean or Russian.

They think: "We are an elect people who are beyond the borders of a nation." 


They call us ordinary earthlings other than them goy.

Goy is the Hebrew word for pig. The plural of Goy is Goyim.

And they have a doctrine that says: "We can do anything we want to the goyim."

It is natural for them to cheat the goyim and there is no problem if they kill the goyim.


In the video above, they say, "There aren't many countries where wars don't happen."

That would be true. Because it is they Masons who are deliberately causing wars all over the world.


So, will their scam succeed again this time? 





This is a video of a large Unification Church rally in Korea on September 11, 2021. Both Trump and Abe sent video messages to the Unification Church.






There are many videos about foreigners impersonating Japanese.

 (They are mainly Koreans and Chinese.) 


Fake Japanese videos



Many may remember the South Korean team that bribed referees and committed state-sponsored cheating at the 2002 Football World Cup. Not only that, they committed many acts of violence.


2002 korea fixed game 



This is the same as the barbaric behaviour of the Korean military in the Vietnam War. 


The barbaric behaviour of the Korean military in the Vietnam War




Caution: Currently, South Korean companies continue to use Japanese flags and other Japanese traditions and symbols, such as sushi, Mount Fuji and sumo wrestling, in advertisements for South Korean companies, in an attempt to make foreign people think that South Korean products are Japanese products. 





Percentage of prisoners held in Japanese prisons for homicide or injury, by nationality.


Chinese 33%.

North/South Koreans 32%.

Foreigners who have acquired Japanese nationality 21%.

Foreigners 11%.

Japanese 3%.


Chinese and Koreans are difficult to distinguish from Japanese.

Taking advantage of this, they pretend to be Japanese and commit crimes.

They are responsible for most of the cruel incidents that occur in Japan.


It is difficult even for Japanese to tell them apart. However, you can tell roughly by their looks, skeletal structure, courtesy habits, way of thinking, clothing, and name characteristics.


If you realise they are not Japanese, do not try to talk to them logically. It will end up being a futile effort. 


If you have already given them your personal details, and if at the present time some act of discomfort or annoyance is taking place, immediately consult the police and a trusted friend.


And you also have to take into account the influence of the Korean and Chinese culture of disrespect for women. Unfortunately, as far as I know, the disrespect for women by Korean men is particularly egregious.


The incidents that are published in the media and known to the public are the tip of the iceberg. In fact, there are many more incidents that are not published in the media and that we are not privy to.

They are much more likely to commit crimes than Japanese. If a person is found to be impersonating a Japanese person, it is advisable not to engage with him or her.


Put it bluntly, The fact that they are impersonating a Japanese person and residing in Japan is already a criminal in itself.


Even we Japanese cannot understand the situation without knowledge.

This means that we need to know the characteristics of criminal who impersonate Japanese and have the knowledge to recognise their lies. 



As an example, this is the murder of a British woman (Lucie Blackman) in Japan in 2000.


"He is a Korean", I would like to say, but I have information that he acquired Japanese citizenship at the age of 21 before committing these crimes of murder. (Of course, until then he was fully Korean.)


But if you have read this far in this site, you will understand.

This is the true identity of the self-proclaimed Japanese who have changed their nationality from Korea and are pretending to be Japanese.


The murderer, the real identity of Kim Sung-jong(1952-), is a Korean.

The Japanese mass media concealed the information that he was Korean and reported only his Japanese name.


But, some mass media overseas reported him as a Korean-Jpanese.


Kim Sung Jong aka Joji Obara - The Lucie Blackman Murder


People Who Eat Darkness: The True Story of a Young Woman Who Vanished from the Streets of Tokyo--and the Evil That Swallowed Her Up


In this video Kim Sung Jong(1952-)'s father is introduced as a billionaire.

This is because the Masons gave certain privileges after  WWII(1945-) to their fathers and mothers: the Koreans of the time.

(That is, Koreans who now, after all these years, are now pretending to be Japanese.)  


They were given the right to hold GAMBLING (pachinko, horse racing, lotteries, etc.), and the right to take land owned by the Japanese by violence and accumulate wealth in the real estate business.


Others, for example, have used violence and fraud to crush companies that were run by Japanese nationals and have taken them for themselves.


They also changed the law so that running for an important city mayor, prefectural governor, or member of the National Assembly requires a large sum of money. (2.4 to 6 million yen. If a candidate fails to receive votes above the threshold, that money is forfeited.)


In other words, to make it difficult for us (real Japanese) to become politicians, they excluded us so that only their own people could become politicians and chiefs in important positions. 

(And the electoral system itself is also not fully open to us.)




Kim Sung-jong(1952-) was sentenced to life imprisonment in December 2010 and is still serving his sentence in a Japanese prison.





The above is an example of one crime committed by a Korean criminal who acquired Japanese citizenship after residing in Japan.


However, there are also many Koreans who pretend to be Japanese even though they are ordinary Koreans without Japanese citizenship.


In other words, there are two kinds of criminals: those who are Koreans but pretend to be Japanese, and those who possess Japanese citizenship but are not actually Japanese.


Naturally, many real Japanese people have also been victimized.

These Korean men and women pretending to be Japanese are still committing many crimes in Japan. Most crimes such as assault, rape, murder, robbery, and fraud are committed by them.


There are so many criminals impersonating Japanese that we can't tell you all about them.


This is another crime that was uncovered in 2014 by a Korean impersonating a Japanese.

He apparently had not changed his citizenship to Japanese.

This means he is fully Korean.


Japanese mass media hides the fact that he is a Korean. They reported only disguised Japanese names.


This is a site where individual Japanese expose the crimes of Koreans.


By the way, the words he shouted when he was arrested, "Long live Yahoo Chat!" The founder of Yahoo Japan (Softbank corp.) is Masayoshi Son(1957-).

Masayoshi Son is a Korean with Japanese nationality.

But in fact, his behavior is perfectly Korean today too.




Korean criminals whose real names were reported on Japanese television. (These real name reports are rare.)

Korean living in Japan who raped 18 Japanese women.

Rape crimes committed by Koreans in Japan.

This Korean criticizes the reporting of real names of Korean criminals on Japanese TV, claiming, "There is no correlation between the Korean ethnicity and the crime rate."

Japanese chivalrous men fought against the Federation of Korean Residents in Japan. Naturally, this film will never be aired or discussed in the current Japanese TV and mass media, which are controlled by people pretending to be Japanese.

After the war ended in 1945, GHQ-Mason gave the rights of victorious nation to the Koreans in Japan. As a result, Koreans committed many atrocious crimes against the Japanese. Incidentally, I have had many times the same dream in my previous life or as a spirit of my kin, fighting against their Korean group as a Japanese in these days. First my lover was raped and killed by the group and buried in a hole. Then I told the higher-ups of the Japanese chivalrous organization I belonged to at the time to retaliate as soon as possible, but they were not willing and killed me.

And this is what I recently found out through my research.

The GHQ-Masons rapidly spread gambling in Japan after the war (1945~), and they gave some of those gambling concessions not only to the Koreans but also to the higher-ups in the Japanese chivalrous organizations.

In other words, Japanese chivalrous organizations may have compromised this issue through bribes.


Note the color of their eyes in the first photo above. If you take a picture of a person in a normal state of mind, most of the time the person's eyes do not show up brown to red like they do in this picture of them. Naturally, the color of our eyes will show up in the picture as it is. (Their normal eye color is dark brown to black.) Thus, if a person's eyes turn brown or red in a photograph, he or she may be possessed by a negative spiritual entity.







This is a Twitter post by a Korean woman (Lee Sinhae) living in Japan who continues to use the sophistry "Our nationality isn't Korean, but 'Korean living in Japan.'" in order to hide the privileges that the fake Japanese government of Mason Li family has granted to its lackeys, the Koreans (and Chinese) living in Japan.

In the photo, they are holding up a curtain that says to Japanese who point out crimes committed by Koreans living in Japan: "Take down the Japanese flag! Don't talk about anything! Go home now you scumbags!"




Here is the actual video of her hiding the real reason and speaking a sophistry.





His name is Han Chang-Woo.

He was one of the Koreans smuggled into Japan in October 1945, right after the end of World War II.

And now he is the head of a huge gambling company in Japan.

(However, the gambling industry is in decline in Japan today.)


He said in an interview.

"We Koreans smuggled ourselves into Japan.

But we call ourselves 'boat people' because 'stowaway' doesn't sound good. lol"