Satanists, Masons, they remove sites that expose their true identity and modus operandi.

It is only a matter of time before this site is removed.


Naturally, I am preparing for the possibility that this site may be deleted at any time. However, if some unforeseen event occurs, I do not know if I will be able to resurrect this site again.


So, we are asking you to do us a favor.

I would like you to take a page on this site that you feel, "This content is important." and save it in any way you know how.

And we want you to not only save it, but also to share it with others.


In other words, if we all work together to preserve important information and share it publicly, the information itself will remain even if this site is deleted.


That way, you and everyone else can continue to disseminate information on social networking sites, websites, blogs, etc., using the information stored or shared.


And, of course, you can continue to provide people with the kind of information that this site provides even now that it exists.


In short, the energies of truth and knowledge being reflected in the collective consciousness of us Earthlings must outweigh the energies of their censorship and deletion of truth.


This is because in this way, these truths and knowledge will be recognized by our collective consciousness.


Because only then can we, Earthlings, enter the final chapter of ending the history of their enslavement of us Earthlings.


We Earthlings are about to undergo a major change.

If you feel the same way, then come on, join me in taking action with knowledge, love and courage. 






I have one thing to let you know.

The short story "A country without money" has the author who holds the copyright.

But he, author wants you to share this short story with the world people free and unconditionally.

Therefore, he is allowing me to make this book available to the public free of charge. So please share this short story also for free.


My initial purpose when I started creating this site in the first place was to inform the people of the world that the money system itself is a scam and that as long as you continue to use this system, the pollution, corruption, and slavery of the earth will never end. That has not changed to this day.


Or, if for any reason this short story "A country without money" needs to be published commercially in your country, please contact the author.







If you agree with the content of this site but do not know where to start however, I recommend this book to you. It is a book with very powerful physical knowledge.








