Many of us have heard the phrase "Divide and Rule."

However, we, earthlings need to seriously investigate and decipher the meaning of this term and its actual modus operandi and effect and respond to this cheating.


For example, most of the sites around the world where people can exchange political opinions on the Internet are run and censored by Mason spies. And many spies also patrol these many forums daily. 


They are agents who sometimes pose as patriots and conservatives in your country.

And sometimes they are agents who pretend to be citizens hostile to your country and abuse you.

So, they are really bodies who conservatives of the current Masonic ruling system.


Therefore, not only the above two actors, but they are doing their own work as long as they can hide the truth and divide us about whatever actor they are playing.

In short, their job is to create threads, comments, videos, and writings for the purpose of deceiving or dividing us earthlings in order to hide the real cause, the Satanists and Masons.


Of course, their purpose of "continuing to divide us earthlings to hide the cause of the planet's misery, i.e., their own identity," is the same as that of the mass media on TV, newspapers, and the Internet, as well as the self-proclaimed journalists and self-proclaimed influencers on social networking sites too.


As in the case of Twitter and YOUTUBE being taken over by them, they use their monetary fraud force to take over many social networking sites, blog system operator companies, various forums, and other sites that we have begun to influence to learn the truth and bring them under their control.


And in terms of Internet sites, you probably know of sites whose management policies and contents have suddenly changed after a certain point in time. In short, those sites were bought out and the site managers were replaced by Mason operatives.

Or, just like the old mass media such as TV and newspapers in your country, the managers and executives of the companies that control the information from the very beginning are their Masons.




Today, many people are watching YOUTUBE instead of TV.

But please note. YOUTUBE as well as TV is a mass media owned by them.

Like the TV performers, many of the YOUTUBERS are Mason operatives.

Or, they are actors who are paid by the Masons.


You may have noticed that the content on YOUTUBE is almost the same as on TV, including comedy shows, sports, movies, and other content aimed at dividing us earthlings, as well as news programs.


In short, their goal was and still is the same: to waste time on us earthlings and then brainwash us with false information to serve their purposes.


However, YOUTUBE also allows individuals and organizations with good intentions to disseminate information. There is a lot of useful content on youtube. Also, you can choose what you want to watch, which is different from TV.


But at the same time you know that YouTube is a private Masonic enterprise and its administrators will recommend content they want us to watch. You also know that they censor and remove as much useful content as they want from non-Mason YouTubers who are telling the truth.


In other words, if we earthlings, unconsciously watch YOUTUBE without these knowledge, we earthlings, will be brainwashed by the new mass media called YOUTUBE again.






The present earth is intentionally infested with fraud and other crimes at the behest of the satanists/Masons who call themselves the rulers of the earth.

(Including many of the lies being disseminated by the mass media they own.)

At the root of these crimes is the "money system itself as a scam."


And I am sure you know this too. Macro: the conflict between the people of one country and the people of another, and not only that, but Micro: that even the people of your country are no longer able to trust each other.




And these Satanists, Masons, and others are not only hiding their true identity by antagonizing the people of your country and the people of other countries.


They are pretending to be your country's citizens and confusing you, the real people, as fake government officials, politicians, other important positions pretending to be your country's government, and they are confusing you, the real people, by pretending to be Youtubers or mass media reporters, for example.


In other words, even in this "pretending to be a citizen of your country," they are shifting the responsibility for their actions to your country and at the same time to the real citizens of your country.

By this trick, too, they are hiding their true identity.


Now that you have seen through their tactics, you can laugh at their usual platitudes.:


"We have been elected by the people of this country to be the leaders of this country! 

We were elected by you!

Therefore, the responsibility for our choices lies with you and your country!"





So, we earthlings are suspicious of each other. We no longer trust each other, even among citizens of the same country. We are all on the verge of a broken heart.


In other words, the conditions that make their rule by deception possible are to make our society so riddled with lies, corruption, and quarrels that people don't know what is true, to make people suspicious, to divide them, so that they can no longer cooperate.


So, we earthlings, are now in a state of lack of communication.

In short, we are being set up for their "divide and rule" strategy now. 


But viewed another way, they have no truth, so they must rely on their own strategies. So, they can only expend a great deal of effort on their strategies.


So, it is important for us earthlings to "see through" their strategies from now on, and then talk with each other, deepen communication, and respond to their strategies.





When the number of people who see through their strategy increases to a certain constant, their con system will collapse, just as it is impossible to repair the cracks in a dam.


Now, why don't you join us in telling these physical facts?


1. the money system itself is a scam.

2. that even if the money system disappears, there is no need for barter.

3. and why don't you first ask your friends to read the short story "A Country Without Money"?


Because there is no one on this planet who does not suffer from the money scam system.


Perhaps most of your friends will thank you for revealing the seeds of black magic (raft tricks) to them.



It may be premature to tell these facts to believers who have been deeply brainwashed by the "TV religion”.


Even if you tell Masonry, many of them will tell you sophistry such as, "Money is the materialization of gratitude for one's labor.”




For example, it would appear as if anyone can post relevant international topics in this forum and exchange ideas with people from any country.

Or, You can even choose to show only topics relevant to your country.


(Incidentally, in Japan, the Japanese taxpayers pay for these spies, because, as mentioned above, criminals impersonating Japanese nationals hold important positions in Japan. Please look into the possibility of this happening in your country as well.)


So, take a look at the topic you are interested in and if you find an opinion or inaccuracy with which you disagree, throw the "truth" at them.

Or play with them in a different way.

Then, in most cases, your comments will be deleted immediately or in a few hours or days. Also, if the administrator deems you to be a person of concern, your account itself will be deregistered.


As of November 2023, this spy is probably a Korean agent who is one of the administrators of this site.



You can use this site right away by registering as a new user with a username and password.

However, at the very least, we recommend that you always access these sites with your true identity (IP address etc.) hidden, using a VPN or similar. That way, the chances of your computer being hacked by them are reduced.


However, the fact is that some sites disable the VPNs we use and deny communication, so it is preferable to use more effective tools or a combination of those effective tools.