They are perpetually trying to delude us that MONEY (the money system) is the greatest force for good, eternal and unchanging.


They never mention the fact that the money scam system produces unnecessary employment, long hours of hard work by a few people who are not at all rational, hierarchical system, rulers and ruled, violence, discord and distrust in human relationships, the mentally ill, the homeless, people committing suicide, the disabled, people selling their bodies, drug addicts, and criminals.


*For example, if they had not killed the inventors of advanced technology and stolen or covered up their inventions, we earthlings would have long ago graduated from burning oil and gas, long ago graduated from moving on the ground with rubber round tires, long ago graduated from moving in the air with jet-propelled gliders.


They never mention that their monetary system controls our life and death at will.

This is a trick to keep us under the illusion that MONEY (the money system) is the best and greatest savior, just as it has always been.




They make it look as if they are rescuing the consequences (the devastation in these videos) that they are intentionally creating with their money scam system (the cause) that they own.


In other words, it is the same modus operandi that causes wars on earth: they are just dashing to the scene of the fire like firefighters while starting their own fires.


Have you noticed that the kind person is giving services to the person pretending to be homeless without exchanging money, yet the person pretended to be homeless eventually gives money to finish the video?


And, Have you noticed that most of them come back to the place and demand hugs and handshakes, trying to present it as an overly emotional spectacle?




The true purpose of their monetary scam system satanists are never to eliminate the cause of the problem. Their real goal is to continue the same cause and effect relationship for all time to come.


It is to continue the money scam system that will allow the social system to continue with the same them rulers and us slaves as it has always been.


1. Cause (money)

2. Result (social devastation)

3. Give money under the guise of rescue.


In other words, 3. returns to 1. Cause (money).

Satan's eternal loop will continue!!





However, some of the owners of these video channels may be doing this sincerely and with good intentions.


And I think that there were homeless people who were able to temporarily survive their plight due to the money given to them by the channel owners.


am grateful to the channel owners who are doing this service out of the goodness of their hearts.


But what they really need isn't piece of paper, but clean housing, food, water, and clothing. That's all they need physically. No one can argue with that.

(In the toilet we need piece of paper of water soluble.)


In this day and age when there are so many empty houses and spare rooms, and enough food and clothing can be produced, don't you wonder why all we don't have access to these goods?




Because this is their modus operandi to maintain their hierarchy.


They eliminate those who do not submit (to their fraudulent practices) and make them money-hungry.


On the contrary, they give money to those who obey them, making them model prisoners of their slaves.


They brainwash those who submit to them, i.e., their slave model prisoners, in the mass media as socially superior persons.


Or they give abundant money to entertainers, athletes, and others who act and sing, and to the few who are good ball rollers.


The reason for this is that they can make us enthusiastic.

It is a ploy to keep us away from reality/truth. They use the power of money to keep us blind.


Mass media, films, publications, history, education, trans-generational brainwashing, invisible metaphysical tricks (even if they are lies, they become true once they have been successfully brainwashed over and over again).


The result of these methods has been the entrenchment of the "Various lies (lies become common sense for us) and absolute power of money" in the collective consciousness of the people of the earth.




They must always create a relationship of master and slave, ruler and ruled, because otherwise only they will maintain their physical and absolute superiority and be unable to abuse the rest of the people as slaves.


Not only that, but because if they do not maintain the hierarchy, their childish sense of superiority and self-aggrandizement will no longer be satisfied too.


Nowadays, the means of brainwashing is shifting from TV to Internet. They are also behind the creation of these videos.






All of this can be clearly stated as follows.

"These are the machinations of a composite scam, headed by a childish but cunning cosmic race, and jointly practicing to this day by a very small number of earthlings and their minions who have interbred with this cosmic race."




Are you still going to allow our society to operate this way?

Now is the time for us to clearly recognize that we are being controlled by a scam system and violence, to expose its modus operandi, to make these knowledge public, to stop the tyranny that Satan and Satan's minions (who, in the ultimate view, they are playing the villain.) are perpetrating, and to change and grow.


It is time to do it with we earthling's souls and lives.





Here is a video of the boy above taken at a later date.


In other words, the superficial owner of this video channel did not tell him (the homeless or those in similar circumstances) that he was videotaping or that he would publish the videos on YouTube.


In short, many of these video channels are shown to people all over the world on the Internet in order for them to continue brainwashing our knowledge and awareness of the legitimacy of the money (scam) system.




I think that Mr. Stewart gave away his money to people out of the goodness of his heart. But if he had used his financial resources to provide people with free houses to live in, free ways to grow their own food and share it with each other, etc., or if he had worked to educate people about the deception of the money system itself, this would never have been picked up by the Mason-controlled mass media. 





Look at this video.

Need a piece of paper to cut their hair?

Need a piece of metal to cut their hair?

Need a numbers in the computer to cut their hair?

Need a numbers on the screen to cut their hair?


All we need is a hairdresser (Someone to cut hair), scissors, combhair clippers, etc., and that's it.


This is a physical fact that applies to all things, not just cutting hair.



I don't recommend that you dye your hair using modern dangerous hair dye. Hair dyes are highly poisonous, on the same level as herbicides.

And these chemical ingredients pass through our skin and enter our bloodstream, causing adverse effects. They can pass through the skull and penetrate the brain.


Has anyone else noticed that people who repeatedly dye their hair tend to have aggressive personalities?

Naturally, it is also associated with insanity and dementia.

Because, as I explained above, they have chemically and physically contaminated their own blood and bodies.


And secondly, they are polluting the global environment through wastewater.

"It is inevitable that the global environment will be somewhat polluted." You may think so.

But when you make the choice to use, purchase, and use such harmful products, not just hair dyes, you are contaminating yourself before the environment is contaminated.

Because all beings on earth (all life, including us humans) are connected.


It is time to laugh off the blonde hair brainwashing that is manipulated as eugenics ideology on TV and the Internet, and realize the beauty of your own natural hair color.


Of course, I am not taunting people with beautiful blonde hair.

I am telling you that the Satanist Masons are hiding by assimilating their small criminal group into the larger group of Jews, blondes, etc.

By camouflaging themselves in this way, they are cunningly hiding their true identities and then trying to achieve their goal that "we, chosen by God (Satan), should have complete control over the goyim of this planet."

This is why they often dye their hair blonde. 









An American congressional candidate (a rich politician) was stopped for a traffic violation and threatened to "fire" the officer.