I will tell you why this attire has been brainwashed to be the world standard on the planet today.

Nowadays, the suit, a man's attire, is considered like a formal garment in many countries.


Have you ever felt happy wearing a collar shirt or a tie?

I have not. I have always been tight and uncomfortable.


Meaning of Collar.

Meaning of Tie.


They brainwash and force us to wear this suit as one of the tools to easily control our body, mind, and soul.


In other words, they are still cunningly mandating the wearing of shackles, collars, and chains on our bodies today.


It is not only the shirt collar and tie of a suit that an adult wears. The shirt collar and tie of a child's uniform serve the same purpose.


The purpose is the same for the collar used as school uniforms for boys in many Japanese schools. Of course, The collar of traditional military uniforms serves the same purpose.



In short, they make us physically and psychologically accustomed to wearing collars and ties by making it common practice for us to wear them from childhood.

Thus, they have trained us physically as slaves and continued to brainwash us in the name of providing education and information to our minds and brains, cunningly imprinting in our own subconscious and collective consciousness that it is natural for us to live as slaves.


Children who rebel against the modern schooling system and ignorant parental coercion will detect these tricks and refuse to be brainwashed or coerced by them, even if they cannot articulate it well. In so doing, they often rebel to make the ignorant adults aware of them.


So, ladies, once you understand how this works, please stop saying "cool!!" when you see men putting ties and collars around their own necks without knowing what it means and teach them how this works.

This physical and metaphysical mechanism is also responsible for the fact that men sometimes behave more cold-heartedly than women, ignoring the voice of their own hearts.


For those who currently own only suits or those who cannot stop wearing suits completely, how about this way of dressing as an alternative for now?


Even if we remove the TIE around our necks, even if we remove the COLLAR that held our necks in place, you will see that nothing will cause us to lose our morals or our respect for others.


No, rather, only then will our sense of morality and respect for others be restored, and the functioning of our brains, hearts, and souls also be normalized.



There is no one in this wide universe who can force you to wear a collar or tie. Except you.