The appeal to the unity of good and evil may actually be a ploy by the evil side to prevent good from confronting them (evil). At the same time, they may be trying to convince people that good is the wrong people masquerading as righteous.


Or, There are also teachings such as. "If you judge things, your vibrations will go down at that moment. So don't judge things, and don't see, hear, or say things that lower your vibrations. Keep your vibrations light at all times. Then you will be able to ascend to a new dimension!" 


These could be a sophistry to keep us earthlings in the dark about the actual current situation on earth.


In other words, if these seemingly noble teachings can be made to be believed by the masses, the criminals will benefit because they will not be denounced no matter how many crimes they commit.


They also want people to think that those who are researching, gaining knowledge, thinking, seeing the essence, and trying to solve the problems they are causing in order to determine exactly what they are causing are "conspiracy theorists" or "fools bound by a sense of conflict."





Let me give you a simple, familiar example.


Suppose there was a bully at elementary school.

Let's say that boy A, a powerful bully, bullies boy B.


Then boy C comes in and stops A from bullying B.


A says to C, "Are you going against me? I'm going to your house! You cocky bastard!" and A grab C by the chest and shout expletives at him.


Then, a teacher D comes along.

Teacher D stops A and C.


When C says, "A was bullying B," teacher D says, "There must have been anger in you, too. That is what is pouring fire into the conflict. Aren't you just putting on the mask of justice?" And teacher D chides C.


Next, teacher D says, "Please get along with both of us. Let's shake hands and be done with it." 


What would happen if this were to happen?


After all, isn't it likely that A's bullying will go unchecked and A will continue to bully?


And C will be blamed and will not be allowed to stop what A is doing.


In the future, bullying and crimes by A and other bullies will be rampant in that school.


In fact, have you ever had this kind of experience? 

Or have you seen someone around you having these experiences?


There are many people like teacher D who, if there is bullying, instead of stopping the person who is the aggressor, will say that the victim may have had problems as well.


In other words, even if the bully or someone who took action to stop the bullying points out the problem, they are blamed for disturbing the harmony of the organization and inconveniencing the people in that organization.


Isn't this how bullying is now rampant without blame, both at the small organizational level and at the global level?






Above text was inspired by the insights of "To Our Brothers in the Universe" and I devised the text to make it more universal.

I thank "To Our Brothers in the Universe".

(However, I don't recommend all of the information on his site.)






By the way, let me tell you about one example I experienced.

It is the story of my experience as B at a job where I experienced A's problematic behavior and D's problematic behavior that was closely related to it.


I was the person in charge of teaching A, who had just joined the company, how to do his job, and once in the process A got violent with me.

After a few hours, A calmed down a bit and apologized to me. So I just gave him a stern warning and I did not report it to my colleagues or supervisor.


The next day he told me that he had lost his job at his last job also due to violence. So we discussed and he promised me that we would solve the problem through discussion, not violence.


However, a few months after completing his new employee training period, he again committed violence against another co-worker in the company. And He then violated me a second time.


I decided that A and I, B, could not solve this problem alone.

Therefore, I consulted my boss D.


As a result, my boss D gave me a response similar to teacher D regarding A's problematic behavior.


Boss D said to me.

'I see. But be good to each other. Haha”


However, A never showed any remorse or attitude toward us, so I repeatedly asked my supervisor D to take the actions.


After much effort, Boss D said to me, ”Ok. I will contact the company he belongs to. Perhaps some sort of disciplinary action will be taken against A."


However, after three days or ten days, there was no contact from the company A belonged to. 

This is because my boss D lied to me. He did not contact the company to which A belonged.


Because, and this is my guess, Boss D was receiving bribes from the company A belonged to. 

(I had previously heard such information from one trusted colleague but thought it was probably just a rumor.)


About two weeks after this incident, A resigned from the company himself.

However, I took issue with Boss D's response and filed charges.

Then, next, Boss D and the president conspired to force my resignation.

(That is, it is conceivable that my boss D and the president of my company could both have received bribes from the company to which A belongs.)


After I left, one of the above mentioned trusted former colleagues helped me in terms of information.

And I told the labor inspector's office everything and made them settle all the wrongdoings they had committed against me.

(Japanese labor inspectors, like police officers, can arrest criminals who are committing illegal acts.)


But the president and D etc, of this company are probably definitely still cheating today. So I have no doubt in my mind that many employees are still suffering as usual.


And after I left this company, I looked up A on the Internet. There I found several of his violent acts on the internet other than the story he told me.

And, as I recall, on several occasions A made comments to me that suggested that he was using some kind of drug. I thought his emotional ups and downs and aggression were also related to drug use.




Finally, I thought it would be good to share with you my honest impression of this experience.


I felt that the company president, boss D, and A were people who were far removed from the mentality of us real Japanese.


The president appears to be a real Japanese, but his last name is a surname that indicates he is of a different ethnic group that came to Japan a long time ago.


I once heard Boss D tell someone that he had made a statement praising the self-proclaimed Emperor's family. 

So, I have long felt that he could be an impersonated Japanese.

And his last name is also a surname that indicates that his ancestors were a people who came to Japan.


A, in old Japan, there was a penal system where criminals were sent to an isolated island to be kept away from the people. His last name was the name of that island. So he is probably not unrelated to that history.